Balmain - bara bra
Bild: Balmain S/S 09
Christophe Decarnin har verkligen hittat formen på Balmain. Jag kan se Carine Roitfeld i varenda skapelse, vilket självklart är något postitivt. Rockigt men ändå sofistikerat och välskräddat. Kort sagt en väl sammanhållen kollektion som helt klart bekräftar att det finns substans bakom modesurret som råder kring Balmain för tillfället. En av de bättre vårkollektionerna so far. Kavajerna!
jag kollade för en sekund sedan och då hade du inte uppdaterat, sedan kollade jag igen och så satt den.
Det är verkligen en av de snyggaste kollektionerna hitills
axelvaddarna,axelpartiet var skitfult enligt min mening, men anars var det faktiskt fint.
Jag alskade det! Haller med, ser Carine i allt!
Saxat fran BryanBoy. Tydligen med samma aptit som jag att ogilla sant som alla andra älskar villkorslöst
"I have to admit, the appeal of Balmain eludes me….well, not entirely. It’s fun, loud and sexy, and the clothes seem like the kind of thing you’re bound to feel fabulous in once you’ve gotten over the fact that your crotch could end up on display. But to me that doesn’t explain the cult-like appeal of the label.
Quite honestly, I think it’s so popular for two reasons. The first is that Carine Roitfeld and her team love it and can be seen wearing it everywhere. She’s the queen of cool, sexy chic, hence Balmain must be cool, sexy and chic too. The second reason is that these clothes are being shown in Paris, which is regarded as the mecca of serious fashion. Just by being a French house Balmain has an advantage.
But when Roberto Cavalli or Donatella Versace do, or rather have done, brightly colored, barely covered clothes smothered in beading, most people would call it trashy, tacky, slutty, vulgar…the list of pejoratives is endless. So why is it that Decarnin isn’t ripped apart for doing much of what those designers have already done and been criticized for? It’s not as if Cavalli’s showgirl dresses were beaded in a sweatshop while Balmain’s are beaded at Lesage, quite the contrary I always thought that Cavalli’s strength was the craftsmanship involved in his embrace of all things flashy. So the idea that Balmain’s quality is better is kind of moot. And it’s not as if Donatella takes fashion so seriously that she doesn’t know her tastes, and the image of the house itself, are loud and of questionable taste, so I’m not sure the irony argument would work well either.
I just can’t help but think that Balmain has the unfair advantage of being a novelty while Versace, Cavalli, the D&G boys et al are expected to do something tasteful, which would explain why all of them have been trying to move beyond their signature brands of all out sex and glamour.
That said, most of the jackets had a lot of appeal and could look insanely cool paired with some understated and sharp tailoring. But it’s one of those collections where I’m left wondering “what’s so amazing about this?”
B: Personligen måste jag säga att det känns väldigt ängsligt att ogilla något bara för andra gillar det. Lika ängsligt som att gilla något bara för att alla andra gör det. Gilla det du gillar och skit i hur många/få andra som gillar samma sak. Det är min devis. Sen tolkar jag det inte direkt som om Bryanboy ogillar Balmain, han ifrågasätter ju bara varför Balmain har högre status är tex cavalli som designat med liknande estetik.
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